The Heart of Paris

Notre Dame Cathedral


For all of us who have passed through Paris, the amazing icons that exist are almost unbelievable. The Louvre, the Eiffel Tower, the Sacré-Cœur Basilica on Montmartre. But if one were to try finding the heart of Paris, it would have to be the Cathedral of Notre Dame. This wonderful, imposing structure has stood in the center of Paris since the middle ages, and has been a rallying point, both religious and cultural for all of the western world. As Paris has grown up around it, Notre Dame has held on to her dignity, showing grace as the years have rolled past. She has survived the ages of men that have come and gone, years of peace and years of war. She has sustained damages, as anything would that has been in existence as long as she has, but the determination of the French people have made sure she continues to be looked after.

On the evening of 15 April 2019, a fire broke out, engulfing a large section of the Cathedral, destroying many of her defining details. The world watched in horror as this played out on our media outlets.

The French fire-fighters, heroic as only fire-fighters can be, successfully contained the blaze, and were able to save a number of priceless works of art. Bravo for their valiant work, and for all others who helped with this.

One would have anticipated nothing less than the immediate response of the French people, vowing to rebuild this iconic structure. Donations were immediately pledged, politicians gave their whole-hearted support, and hope and determination took the place of horror and loss. I can only add that often-used phrase Vive la France.

I’m including a few of my favorite memories taken of Notre Dame over the years.


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